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【Park Estateの不動産購入ガイド】





We will explain the flow and points of real estate purchase  in an easy-to-understand manner, starting with a real estate purchase consultation, financing plan for purchase, property viewing, purchase application (submission of purchase certificate), contract and settlement.

Since there is a considerable amount of content, we recommend that you check the table of contents that you can tap and read from the part that interests you.

Table of Contents you can tap

  Real estate purchase consultation

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Park Estateでは、お客様のお話をじっくりヒアリングさせて頂きながら、福岡市都市圏エリアのどこにどのような不動産を購入するのがお客様にとって一番ベストな選択肢なのかを一緒にじっくり考えて行きます。


When purchasing real estate, clarify the terms and conditions for purchasing the property and make a solid plan at the beginning.

Generally, the following points can be considered as points.

【Property type】New purchase or Second-hand purchase
【Property type】Purchase of detached house or Apartment
【Floor plan&area】Approximate floor area or building area
【Purchase method】Cash or Mortgage
【Purchase price】
Understanding the price of a property that can be purchased without difficulty
Educational environment】Choosing a school district for your childen
【Location】Near a station or In the suburbs
【Transportation】Within how many minutes is the distance to the station on foot?
【Pets】Pets allowed or Pets negotiable property 

【Private car】Whether or not a parking lot is necessary and the number of cars required
【Replacement】Will there be a big changes in life stages in the future?

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Please feel free to ask the person in charge about the price of  properties you can purchase when using a mortgage.

At that time, we ask customers about their annual income last year in order to determine the price.

It is not common to talk about money such as annual income to anyone other than your family, so you may hesitate, but our company, which is a real estate broker, has a strict confidentiality obligation according to Article 45, Paragraph 1 of the Real Estate Brokerage Law. (Confidentiality will be imposed even after the real estate brokerage business is closed), so please feel free to talk with us.


Article 45, Paragraph 1 of the Real Estate Business Law


A Real Estate Broker must not divulge to others any secrets that it has come to know about matters handled in the course of its business, unless there are justifiable grounds for doing so. The same shall apply even after it ceases to operate the real estate transaction business.

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I think there are quite a few people who can pay the full amount with deposits and savings when buying a house. In fact, many people use mortgages to buy their homes. Here, I will show you the general flow by using figures.

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その理由は、不動産取引においては『Cash is King』すなわち現金が一番強いから。


As you can see from the figure, the flow of housing purchases can be roughly divided into three stages: the first term, the middle term, and the latter term. At each stage, the central procedure is shown in bold and double squares.

What you need to be careful about when using a mortgage is that if the rival of the property you want to purchase is a cash buyer, there is a possibility that the seller will not choose you as the buyer (assuming you pass the examination of mortgage without any difficulties).

The reason is that cash is the strongest in real estate transactions.

With the above in mind, you need to think about the measures when using a home loan. Specific measures will be introduced in the next section.

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このように複数の購入希望者がいる場合、売主は確実に購入出来る人に譲りたいと思います。それ故、現金を用意出来る購入希望者が非常に有利となる現実があります。『Cash is King』と言われる所以です。







The first thing to keep in mind is that the better the property, the more likely it is that other people (competitors) will appear and compete.</span>

If there are multiple buyers like this, the seller wants to give it to someone who can definitely buy it. Therefore, the reality is that those who wish to purchase cash can be very advantageous. That is why it is called “Cash is King”.

In order to overcome this disadvantageous situation and purchase a good property using a mortgage, it is important to prepare well in advance so as not to compete with those who wish to purchase cash.

Regarding the preparation, there are two main types.

① Save your own funds.
→ A guideline is around 30% of the purchase price (breakdown: mortgage down payment: 20%, purchase costs: 10%).

Having a down payment not only gives you an advantage in the examination, but also reduces your monthly repayment amount. If you are considering buying real estate, why not start by saving money?

Receive a preliminary examination of the mortgage at another property in the same price range.
→ If the preliminary examination is passed for another property with similar conditions, the seller think that you will pass the mortgage examination for his or her own property, so the seller can  choose you as the buyer with confidence.

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本人確認書類/Identity verification documents

Driver’s license, health insurance card, passport, etc.


収入証明書類/Income certificate

  1. 給与所得者の場合:前年分の源泉徴収票

    For salaried workers: withholding slip for the previous year

  2. 自営業者および個人事業主の場合:過去3年分確定申告書+付表の写し

    For self-employed persons and sole proprietors: Final tax returns for the past 3 years + a copy of the attached table

  3. 法人代表者の場合:前3期分の決算報告書の写

    For corporate representatives: Copies of financial statements for the previous three terms

物件確認書類/Property confirmation document



Copies of pamphlets, flyers, sales drawings, property outlines, price lists of the property you are about to purchase.

Also, if you have other loans such as cars or cards, you will need documents that show the contract details and loan balance.



【Family coaching for free】
If there is a request, we will help you visualize your family structure and life stage 10 or 20 years from now and put into words what you want your family to look like in the future. This is not required, but it is recommended as it will be a valuable ruler when choosing a place to live.

  Property introduction/Property preview

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We will carefully listen to the customer’s family structure, occupation, future dreams, hobbies, and other lifestyles, and we will search together for the property that best suits the customer’s needs in the Fukuoka metropolitan area.

Nowadays, property information can be easily obtained from various real estate portal sites. We hope that our customers will also visit the portal site below to find the property they are interested in.

Please be assured that we can handle properties listed by other real estate agents without any problems.

Regarding the properties selected from the portal site, we will investigate and report detailed information from various angles that are not posted on the web, and we will advise you on purchasing from a professional point of view. increase.

In some cases, we may stop purchasing.

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ご案内当日は、Park Estate代表自ら現地をご案内いたします。待ち合わせについては現地集合を基本としておりますが、遠方からお越しの場合等は弊社にてお車を出しますので遠慮せずお申し出下さい。





We will carefully listen to the customer’s family structure, occupation, future dreams, hobbies, and other lifestyles, and we will search together for the property in the Fukuoka metropolitan area that best suits the customer’s needs .

Nowadays, property information can be easily obtained from various real estate portal sites. We hope that our customers will also visit the portal site below to find the property they are interested in.

Please be assured that we can handle properties listed by other real estate agents without any problems.

Regarding the properties selected from the portal site, we will investigate and report detailed information from various angles that are not posted on the web, and we will advise you on purchasing from a professional point of view.

In some cases, we may stop purchasing.

   Real estate purchase application

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【ご注意下さい!/Caution! 】





This purchase application literally has no effect other than indicating to the seller that you wish to purchase.

Therefore, please move on to the next action as soon as possible after submitting the property purchase application.

The period until you are selected as a buyer (to be exact, until you receive a sale agreement from the seller) is, above all, a battle against time (=competition).

We will accompany you firmly, so I know that you are busy, but I hope that you will work with speed first.


【For foreign customers】
It seems that there are countries where you can apply verbally overseas, but please note that in Japan, applications are always made in writing.

  • 認印/Signature stamp

  • 本人確認書類/Identify verification documents

    Driver’s license, health insurance card, passport

  • 購入申込書の雛形/Purchase application template

    We will send you a template, so please fill it out.

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The better the property, the faster you need to submit the purchase application.

This is because the real estate industry has a business practice of giving the right to negotiate with the seller on a first-come first-served basis.

At the same time, real estate moves tons of money.

It is uneasy to submit a purchase application without knowing what kind of legal effect it will have.

Therefore, in the next section, we’ll take a closer look at the legal status of purchase applications.

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To understand the legal meaning of the purchase application, we think it’s best to start by talking about what a contract is.

A contract is “an act in which a legal right-and-duty relationship arises when two or more persons agree.”

Therefore, if the buyer cancels the contract after the legal rights and obligations have been established due to the conclusion of the contract, a penalty will be imposed to waive the deposit paid to the seller at the time of the contract.

It also can be said that a buyer have the right to cancel the contract exceptionally by waiving. If the seller cancels, it is necessary to pay double the deposit to the buyer.

On the other hand, since the purchase application is only a one-sided indication of the purchase applicant, it is clearly different from the contract. In principle it is possible to cancel the purchase application. There is no penalty to it.

In particular, it is possible to withdraw with almost no problem if the timing is immediately after submitting the purchase application.

However, exceptionally, if negotiations between the parties proceed after submitting the purchase application and the contract is deemed to be nearing its conclusion, damages may be claimed due to negligence in terminating the contract. For example, if the seller cancels the purchase certificate even though the property has been expanded or refurbished in response to the buyer’s request.

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Regarding the notification of the result of the negotiation, the better the property, the more the seller tend to wait for the purchase application to come together, so please consider that it will take about 1 week to 10 days. In some cases, unexpectedly it may take only 2 to 3 days .

In addition, if there is a competitor who plans to purchase with cash, customers who plan to use a mortgage will inevitably be at a disadvantage. We would appreciate it if you could work on the preliminary examination procedure ahead of schedule. Please take a look at this section for more information.

  • 物件調査/Property survey

    We will investigate the target property from various angles and share the results with our customers.

    Customers will be asked to make the final decision to conclude a contract based on this information provided by us (we will provide an opportunity to summarize the information examined before the contract in writing and explain it carefully. This is called a matter explanation. Details will be introduced in the next section).

  • 資金計画の再確認/Reconfirmation of financial plan

  • 各種見積り/Various estimates

    fire insurance, remodeling, renovation





Once you have decided to make a contract, we will send you a “contract information document” that describes the contract date, place, necessary items, etc.  





それはなぜかというと、やはり優良物件には早かれ遅かれ他の購入希望者が現れるから。せっかく急いで一番手として購入申込書を提出しても、購入希望価格が満額でない場合、売主の判断次第では、2番手の満額で購入申込書を提出している購入希望者の方が選ばれてしまう可能性が大いにあります。一番手のポジションを無駄にしないためにも満額での購入申込をした方が良いとPark Estateは考える次第です。


  Conclusion of real estate sales contract

【Important!】Please make a contract after fully understanding the contents of the contract and the explanation of important matters by the residential land and building trader in charge.

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The explanation of important matters means that the residential land and building trader explains important matters related to the contract based on a document called important matters explanation document to the buyer before the time of sales contract, lease contract, and consignment contract.

This will be an opportunity for us to explain in writing to our customers the results of our investigation of the target property from various angles.

This is a very important process before making a contract, so don’t hesitate to ask questions about any items that you feel a little uneasy. 

<Englsih below>


The deposit is paid by the buyer to the seller when concluding a sales contract, and is 5 to 10% of the selling price as a guide. The deposit will be applied to a part of the trading value.

The following three are typical functions of the deposit.

  • 証約手付/Earnest money deposit

    It is a deposit that is issued as proof of the conclusion of the contract. All deposit have this property.

  • 違約手付/Penalty deposit


    This is a deposit that is intended to be used to compensate for damages suffered by the other party in the event of non-fulfillment of contractual obligations.

    If the deposit has the purpose of this penalty deposit, the amount of damages shall be limited to the amount of the deposit unless the parties have agreed that they can claim damages separately (the other party cannot seek further damages).

  • 解約手付/Cancellation deposit

    It is a deposit with the meaning of giving both parties the right to cancel the contract.

    In the sales contract, contracting parties can cancel with a unilateral declaration of intention if the buyer waive the delivered deposit, and conversely, if the seller return double the received deposit.

    In principle, all deposits have a character of a cancellation deposit.

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The following figures are a guide for various costs of real estate purchase. The deposit paid at the time of contract is not included in this figure as it will be applied to the trading value.

New=3~7% of property price
Second-hand=6~10% of property price


After the purchase is decided(=as soon as the seller gives us a letter of consent for sale), we will calculate the specific amount of purchase cost and present it to the customer in writing. The breakdown of various expenses is as follows.


At the time of contract


Stamp fee to be attached to the sales contract


It depends on the purchase price.


Regular Brokerage Fee


3% of the selling price + 60,000 yen (excluding tax)

(If the sale price exceeds 4 million yen)


In case using a home loan


Mortgage-related expenses



Administrative fee

A revenue stamp fee


Guarantee charge


group credit Life insurance premium

At the  time of delivery

Registration-related expenses (ownership transfer, mortgage setting, etc.)


It is determined by the appraisal value set by administrative agencies and the borrowing amount when using a housing loan.



Registration license tax

Judicial scrivener fee



Settlement fees such as management fees and property taxes


We will calculate expenses that has already been paid or is scheduled to be paid on a daily basis. Regarding settlement of property tax, April 1 is the starting date.

Fire insurance fee


It depends on building structure, insurance company and it`s plan.



Real estate acquisition tax

It is calculated based on the appraisal value determined by the administrative agency. By filing a tax return for the relevant year, you may be able to receive tax reduction measures.


   Procedure after real estate sales contract

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After the sales contract is concluded, we make the necessary preparations for the payment of the balance (settlement) and delivery of the property. Our representatives are always ready to help. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

In addition, as soon as the schedule for payment and property delivery is decided, we will send you a notice in writing titled “Information on payment and property delivery”

  • 住宅ローン申込書
    Mortgage application form
  • 実印
    Registered seal
  • 収入証明書(または所得証明書)
    Income certificate
  • 印鑑証明書
    Seal certificate

    It is necessary when using a housing loan. Please prepare the one you obtained within 3 months. If you have a “My Number card”, you can get it at your local government office or at a convenience store. We recommend convenience stores because of it’s cheapest price.

  • 不動産売買契約書(写し)
    Real estate  sales contract(print)
  • 重要事項説明書(写し)
    Disclosure statement(print)
  • リフォーム工事請負契約書(写し)*

    Renovation work contract (copy)
    It’s necessary when making a home loan together with renovation work.

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Financial institutions may ask you to confirm your fire insurance application before issuing a mortgage. Please complete the fire insurance procedures before handing over the property.









    Settlement and delivery of the property

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Finally, settlement (payment of the balance) and delivery of the property. On the day of settlement, the following parties will meet at the financial institution where the buyer has an account,and the procedures from ❸ to ❻ will be carried out.

  • buyer
  • Seller
  • Real estate agent
  • Judicial scrivener
  • Financial institution’s loan officer
     if there is a mortgage setting or cancellation

<English below>

Our property manager will conduct a final confirmation of the property on-site. We will check the boundaries and incidental facilities according to the “property status confirmation sheet” and “incidental facility table” provided by the seller.

  • 印鑑(実印)/Seal(Registered seal)
  • 印鑑証明書/Seal certificate
    <English below>


    It is necessary when using a housing loan. Please prepare the one you obtained within 3 months.

    If you have a “My Number card”, you can get it at your local government office or at a convenience store. We recommend convenience stores because of it’s cheapest price.

  • 住民票/Certificate of residence
    Please prepare the one you obtained within 3 months.
  • 本人確認書類/Identify verification documents
    Photo ID such as driver’s license
  • 銀行通帳と届出印
    Bank pass book and notification seal.

<English below>

In order to ensure the completeness of the transaction, a judicial scrivener will confirm the identity of both the buyer and the seller, and then confirm the documents required for real estate registration.

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After the judicial scrivener has confirmed all the documents related to the registration application and determined that there is no problem, the buyer will pay the balance to the seller. Although there are rare cases where cash is used, bank transfers are common.

 It depends on how busy the bank is, but if the documents are not incomplete and the documents are delivered smoothly, it usually takes about 30 minutes.

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Contributions such as management fees and property taxes will be settled. It is common to calculate on a per diem basis, with the seller borne by the day before delivery and the buyer borne by the day of delivery.

There are two patterns for the starting date of property and city planning tax settlement, January 1st and April 1st, but April 1st seems to be common in the west of Kansai. Unless there are special circumstances in Fukuoka City, April 1st will be the standard date.

<Englsih below>


A buyer will pay the brokerage fee , the judicial scrivener’s fee, and the cost of real estate transfer registration.

In real estate transactions, it is common for the buyer to bear the cost of registering the transfer of real estate. Regarding the payment to the judicial scrivener, it is necessary to prepare cash due to the procedure.

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You will receive the key from the seller at the same time as the balance payment is paid. If there are documents such as instruction manuals for building incidental equipment, a set of building drawings, and pamphlets, you will receive them at the same time.

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All transactions are now complete. As a proof of transaction completion, you will be asked to sign and seal the “Delivery Confirmation“.

  Moving in

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Don’t worry about the after-sales follow-up after the transaction is completed successfully. In addition to moving companies, we will introduce reliable specialists who have a track record of doing business with us, such as remodeling companies and house cleaning.

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Real estate acquisition tax is a tax levied on the acquisition of real estate (houses, land), regardless of whether it is registered or not, paid or gratuitous, or the cause (sale, gift, exchange, etc.).

Regarding the payment of the real estate acquisition tax, you will receive a tax notice about 4 to 6 months after you register the transfer of ownership of the real estate. The delivery date is the date specified in the tax payment notification (about one month after the notification arrives), but it varies by prefecture.

Unlike property tax, property acquisition tax is a one-time payment.

There are also mitigation measures that can be received by applying, so please refer to the website that explains Fukuoka Prefecture’s real estate acquisition tax for details.

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If you meet the prescribed conditions*, you will receive a tax refund when you file a tax return for housing loan deductions. Specifically, it will be transferred to the account of the designated financial institution about one month after the tax return is filed. If you would like to know more about the home loan deduction, please see the National Tax Agency website (2021 final tax return special feature).

*There are requirements such as income of 30 million yen or less and a mortgage with a repayment period of 10 years or more. For those who meet the requirements, tax equivalent to 1% of the loan balance will be returned for roughly 10 years.

In the first place, a final tax return is a tax processing method in which a person who has earned income in a year (January 1st to December 31st) “files and pays” the amount of income tax, and “refunds” the overpaid income tax. In principle, it will be held from February 16th to March 15th of the following year. 

A typical example of a “refund declaration” is a mortgage deduction. In addition, “refund declaration” can be done from January. The next section will guide you through the documents required for your tax return.

確定申告書(Aor B)
Tax return form(Aor B)


Obtained from the tax office. It is also available from the IRS website.


Calculation statement of special deduction for housing loans, etc. (specified extension or renovation, etc.)

Obtained from the tax office. It is also available from the IRS website.
a マイナンバーカード
b マイナンバー通知カードまたはマイナンバーが記載されている住民票


Obtained from the municipal office, etc


Building/land registration certificate

法務局にて入手します。一般財団法人 民事法務協会が運営する登記情報提供サービスにてオンラインで入手することも可能です。法務局の窓口で入手するよりも格安です。

Obtained at the Legal Affairs Bureau. It is also possible to obtain it online through the registration information service operated by the Minji Homu Kyokai. It is cheaper than getting it at the window of the Legal Affairs Bureau.
